Cum recuperez parola dacã adresa de email pentru contactul administrativ nu mai este validã?

Este foarte important sã mentineti la zi adresa de email pentru contactul adminsitrativ al domeniului.
Adresa email de contact adminsitrativ este folositã pentru:

In cazul când adresa de email pentru contactul administrativ nu mai este validã, este necesar sã trimiteti cerere cu noua adresã de email.

Modelul de cerere poate fi obtinut la adresa

Instructiuni de completare cerere:

  1. Daca detinatorul domeniului este persoana fizica,:
    1. Nu se completeaza campul "Nume companie";
    2. Cererea se trimite anexand copie act de identitate detinator domeniu (carte de identitate, pasaport).
  2. Daca detinatorul domeniului este persoana juridicã:
    1. Cererea se scrie pe hartie cu antetul firmei
    2. Se completeaza toate campurile;
    3. Cererea se trimite anexand urmatoarele documente:

                                                               i.      Copie act de identitate sau pasaport solicitant;
                                                             ii.      Copie certificat de inmatriculare firma detinatoare domeniu.

Nota: Nu vor fi luate in considerare cererile, care nu sunt clare si nu pot fi citite.

Copii scanate pot fi trimise prin email la adresa: Adresa email de contact.

If you need to change the email for the administrative contact, you must send a request with the new email address.

Get the request model here:

Required Documentation to change the admin email:

If this is a domain name registered to an individual you will need to include a clear copy of a government-issued photo ID such as a driver's license or passport

If this is a domain name registered to a organization you will need to include:

  1. This request printed on company letterhead (alternatively you can make a written request on letterhead and included the same information on this page)
  2. Business Registration or Incorporation documents issued by your government that bears the name of the requestor
  3. A clear copy of a government-issued photo ID (driver's license/passport) connecting the Organization to the Requestor listed in the registration documents

You can send a scanned copy of this request (including this form with a signature and Photo ID) to the email: Contact email

A note about privacy

The identification information being requested is used solely for proof of identification purposes in order to update the requested admin name change. This information is not used for any other purpose.

Photo copies of the identification may be submitted with any certificate numbers blocked out or removed.


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